Sunday, November 25, 2007

Loose Change

Our group chose to watch Loose Change for our documentary film. We chose this film because we were all interested in the 9/11 attacks and we knew that this particular event was widely broadcast from nearly every news station and was diligently followed by the media. We agreed that because the media was used to such an extent to persuade the masses, that Loose Change would be a valuable film to watch do to the fact that this movie clearly outlines how the United States uses the media to do what they want.

The film outlined several reasons as to why the 9/11 attacks were not due to what the States had claimed. The movie states firmly that the two towers were “brought down by a carefully planned, controlled demolition, which was a psychological attack on American people. It was pulled off with military precision”. For backup information, the author shows us how the towers would not have collapsed without separate explosions and that the planes that crashed into the two towers were not enough to bring the buildings to the ground. As well as this, the movie shows us the intricate details involved in the pentagon attack and enlightens a conspiracy theory against the United States geared towards thousands of lost lives which are due to billions of economy growth.

The government had restricted public access to many sources of information concerning the attacks, and chose to release to the public only documents which would support their conclusions. Obviously, the States were instating a cover up, the movie informs us. It is just a matter of weather or not we should chose to believe what the movie is telling us.

I certainly learned a lot form watching this movie. Critically, I’m not sure I would like to believe the film because that would be proof that I live in a much more corrupt world than I would like to imagine. It would be important to show the class a clip of the way the buildings collapsed, how many other buildings had burned for much longer than the two towers did and they didn’t collapse. This type of clip basically sums up the film’s point and would raise awareness of the possibility of a conspiracy. If not this clip, than the part of the film where they show the damage done to the pentagon, how the whole is only 16 feet wide, and there is no damage done to either side of the hole where the wings of the plane should have hit. This clip, as well, shows how the stories told by the US government don’t match up to the facts.

Once conversing with the group, some people were still not convinced. It’s hard to believe something like this could have been planned by people who are supposed to be looking out for our well being. Could the government be so corrupt as to put an end to thousands of lives just to make money? If so, the United States need to review their values.

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